All posts by mercegirc

The logistics in Coca Cola

As all of you know, Coca Cola is probably the world’s best-known brand with a presence in all the countries of the earth.

It’s really difficult to go to a supermarket and don’t be able to find their products. So the way that they manage its supply chain is really important, to be present in every country.


Coca Cola has 6 operations departments around the world that are:

  • ASIA

They are continuously looking in ways to improve the efficiency of all of their operations. They have opened a new €20 m automatic storage and retrieval system at its distribution centre in Dongen, these new facility is designed to hold and automatically move pallets of bottles and cans.

The are 5 stages in their supply chain:


Captura de pantalla 2019-05-22 a las 15.49.47.png

The combination of all of these factors are they key to be successful. The capacity to be able to adapt to the changes and keep updating itself with their production is the responsible to approach towards of markets, this is also reflected throughout its logistics services which in total gave them the platform and the good reputation that they have today.



I would like to talk about something different, and investigating I found that it could be interesting to talk about the logistics in the army. Logistics, in military science, are all the activities of armed-force units in roles supporting combat units, including transport, supply, signal communication and medical aid. 


Logistics belongs to the group of the science of computation, persist in mathematics as the logistics or logarithmic curve. The first systematic effort to define the word with some precision and to relate it to other elements of war was made by Antoine-Henri Jomini (1779-1869), the noted French military thinker as writer. He define logistics as “the practical art of moving armies”, by which he meant the whole range of functions involved moving and sustaining military forces.

It’s really useful to distinguish four basic element or functions of logistics: supply, transportation, facilities and services. All involve the provision of needed commodities or assistance to enable armed forces to live, move, communicate and fight.



Supply is the function of providing the material need of military forces. These function adapted to the army embraces all stages in the provision and servicing of military material. The whole process can be divide into four phases:

    • The design-development-production process of crating a finished item.
    • The administrative process by which military agencies acquire finished items.
    • The distribution-distribution-servicing processes undergone by military material while “in the service”.
    • The planing-administrative process of balancing supply and demand 



Before the development of steam propulsion, armies depended for mobility on the muscles of men and animals and the force of the wind. Armies have usually been able to move faster and with a better chance of avoiding enemy detection by water than by land.

Before the age of mechanization, the soldier’s carrying capacity was usually supplemented by additional carriers and haulers, human and animal. A team of six horses ate about as much as 40 to 40 men, but the men could carry more on than the horses could carry. In many parts of the world motor transport still has not displaced human and animal carriers and haulers in the movement of military supply.



The provision of military facilities, as distinct from fortification, didn’t became a large and complex sphere of logistic activity until the transformation of warfare in the industrial era. In that transformation the traditional function of providing nightly lodgings or winter quarters for the troops dwindled to relative insignificance in the mushrooming infrastructure of fixed and temporary installations that became part of the military establishment of the major powers.



Army have long claimed the label of “combat support” as distinct from the “service support” functions of supply, transportation, hospitalization and evacuation, military justice and discipline, custody of prisoners of war, civil affairs, personnel administration and non tactical construction.

The logistics of the best restaurant of the world

Hello guys!!!

I don’t know if you know that I love to cook, it’s not what I do better but I love it because I think that it’s really fun.

I would like to write a post related with the logistics inside a restaurant. I’ve been searching about these topic and I found that there’s one restaurant the best of the world that it’s called El Celler Can Roca.  These restaurant has a really strong model of management and logistics that could be a referent.


For Josep Roca, one of the owners of El Celler Can Roca, it’s really difficult to became the first mover only with a good food. El Celler has a difference that it’s their management of the supply chain that give them a transversal vision that contributes in adding value to the whole service. The import point is not what’s done, it’s how it’s done.

In the Celler Can Roca there are as internal clients as external clients. In that restaurant the providers take an important paper, specially farmers, cattlemen and producer of any raw material. The proximity with their providers for them are very important.

Of the 360 product references that are in the Celler, the 85% have their origin in an area of less than 50 kilometers.

So, for them there are 3 ingredients for the exit of the restaurant, and of course logistics is one of these ingredients:


So the model that I talk before is based in the third point, that is the good relationship and the empathy with their providers and also to be located near them.

In the following video you can know more about everything related with Can Roca:


Most of us known that today is a very important day for Spain, because it’s Spanish election year, we are going to chose our new president, who will represent us for the next four years. These process has a tremendous logistics to organize everything, and sometimes people are not focused in how important all of these is.


The government delegation in the CV has prepare all the logistics devices in all the “electoral schools”, so everything is ready today for the citizens who have been elected to stay in the “electoral schools” to go to the school and open the doors, starting in that way the Electoral process.

There lot’s of things to have in consideration, in Valencia there are 3 million 657 thousand of people that are going to vote, these takes lots of issues in consideration, from the one point tables, booths, ballot boxes, ballots and envelopes are really important to ensure that everything proceeds with absolute normality. And from the other hand national police, regional police, civil guard and local police will be more than 11 thousand in CV.


The Sub-secretary of the Ministry of the Interior, Isabel Goicochea, explained that the electoral bugged has been divided into four parts: Public administration, electoral logistics, postal operator and dissemination of official scrutiny and telecommunications. The total amount of money that has been expended amount to 138.961.516,72 euros.

In the following link we can find a video that explains the distribution of the budget for the General Elections:




Logistics in Correos

Correos is a company with 100% public capital, whose owner is the Spanish State. Correos is the main nucleus of the group’s activities through the provision of universal postal service to all citizens and is at the same time the reference company in the Spanish market, one of the most liberalized in the European Union.


Correos has been chosen as the most attractive logistics company in Spain to work. It’s the second consecutive year that these company obtains that valuation, according to the Randstad Employer Brand Research report elaborated from more than 7,200 surveys nationwide.

In the light of the growth of electronic commerce, the development of parcel logistics is one of the most promising areas in a digital world and Correos has been able to adapt to the new times and transform itself to remain a benchmark in the logistics sector of the commerce, digitizing processes and innovating in new tools.

Electronic commerce has grown exponentially in recent years. In the global market it grows 17% in 2017 and only in Spain the turnover of electronic commerce increased almost 25% year-on-year, reaching 6,756.9 million of euros.

Due to the change in consumer habits, Correos has adapted their strategy and invested in commerce to get closer to their customers. Commerce, drones, robots and new systems that make it possible to streamline the supply chain and allow companies, especially packaging, to approach their biggest challenge: the last mile.

In the following video we can watch an example about how Correos works: