Logistics in the film industry

The process of filming a movie or TV series involves numerous moving parts, including the work of actors, directors, producers, and the filming crew. However, the work of logistics professionals is critical in ensuring the smooth operation of filming.

Before filming day, whole teams work to ensure that everything is set up correctly. This includes contracts and negotiations, scouting of filming locations, and building and purchasing equipment. Set design and construction can eat up to 25% of the total production costs, making it a significant part of the overall process. It falls to supply chain experts to provide the know-how to get physical materials together.

Logistics professionals have several key roles in the filming process, including location managers who liaise with residents and businesses in the filming location, logistics coordinators who manage relationships with third-party suppliers such as building material firms and contractors, and production managers who are responsible for managing contracts and payments to ensure smooth interactions between the supply chain and the filming process.

Obtaining the proper rights for filming can be complex, especially for high-impact filming that requires an area of land to be drawn off to the public. Logistics teams manage both the set and the amenities that come with it, including actors trailers, local supply chains, contracts, and maintenance. Improper logistics management can result in delays and interruptions in the whole production, making it essential to have logistics experts involved.

The logistics team is also responsible for organizing the set, which varies depending on the scope of the production. Even sets built using unconventional methods, such as miniatures or CGI, require significant logistical support. In the case of CGI-based sets, specialized equipment is needed, and physics-defying acts require the use of extra rigging and cables. The supply chain’s role in managing and supplying equipment is crucial in the safe operation of a film set.

Overall, the role of logistics in the film production process cannot be underestimated. The success of a production depends heavily on the smooth functioning of the supply chain, and logistics professionals play a vital role in making that happen.

Source: https://blog.gilbertintl.com/transportation-for-film-and-tv-production-the-role-of-logistics-in-movie-success#:~:text=The%20logistics%20side%20of%20film,supply%20chains%2C%20contracts%20and%20maintenance.

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